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Sales Skills

Increase the Value of Your Products or Services in the Eyes of Your Customers


Sales is a skill, which like any other skill, can be learnt and mastered. To achieve the top results in sales, it essential to know and understand the building blocks of this craft – knowing your products/services, knowing the sales process and the personal attitude. In addition, it is necessary to create a premium purchasing experience to a customer who will return with pleasure. The easiest way to achieve the sales skills master level is by learning from the real masters of this craft.

Our courses cover all sales components – the customer, the product/service, the seller and the location where selling takes place. Depending on the set of responsibilities related to different positions, we offer training interventions which will improve sales skills of:

  • Retail and Wholesale Sales Representatives
  • Sales Managers – Shift Sales Managers, Shop Sales Managers, Retail/Wholesale Sales Managers and Directors of Sales. The trainings for these groups can also include the topics related to Human Resource Management and Leadership which can highly contribute to the success of any manager.

Sales skills training covers following areas:

  • Preparation (personal and professional) → Increased Sales Potential
  • Lifting Personal and Team Spirit (Energy) → More Enthusiasm
  • Different Sales Styles → Developing Your Own Sales Style
  • Products/Services from the Perspective of Seller, Customer and User → Better Prospects for Closing Sale
  • Building Rapport with the Customer → Winning Customer’s Trust
  • Adapt to Your Customer → Creating Better Relationship
  • Communication (non-verbal and verbal) → More Credible Presentation
  • Discovering Customer’s Needs → Creating Grounds for Influencing
  • Sales Presentation and Customer’s Emotional Engagement → Creating and Increasing a Desire to Buy
  • Overcoming Sales Resistance → Improving Your Self-Confidence and Coming to Closure
  • Qualifying the Customer → Saved Time and Effort Invested in the Sales Process
  • Closing the Sale → Ensuring Successful Sale
  • Post-Sales Activities → Maintaining the Great Relationship and Improving the Sales Product/Service
  • The Most Common Sales Mistakes → Reduced Percentage of Lost Sales

Our trainings will be tailored according to the needs of your company and the goals you would like to achieve.