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What is Outplacement?


Outplacement services are the support services an organisation can outsource to help its transitioning employees find new roles following redundancies. These services are usually offered as part of the severance package and there is no cost for the transitioning employee. They are designed to provide the practical support to those experiencing the career transition so that they can move forward with confidence.

Losing a job is one of life’s biggest stressors and it can trigger other challenges – financial, lifestyle, relationship, personal. Many of the laid off employees have not been in the job market for a long time and might not know where to start from. Some might face the challenge of not being able to find the same or similar role as it is no longer available in the job market.

The best thing you can do for your transitioning employees is to help them find new jobs. This will also help you keep the positive reputation of the company, as well as the morale and productivity of the remaining employees.

Our programs consist of either individual or group coaching sessions which are aimed to help the participant/s:

  1. Cope better with the new circumstances
  2. Identify personal values, professional skills and abilities
  3. Create a career pathway and strategy to reach career goals
  4. Better understand the current job market and various ways to move forward
  5. Develop a job search strategy
  6. Create CV, Cover Letter and LinkedIn profile
  7. Fine-tune skills needed to succeed at a job interview

These programs are suitable for all levels of employees, from junior staff to managers and C-suite executives.

We are certified Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) practitioners and we can also include this psychometric tool into any outplacement program. For the past 50 years, MBTI®  has been the most trusted and widely used personality profiling tool designed to help individuals understand themselves, their motivations, natural strengths, and potential areas for growth.

The outplacement programs offered at SkillsMasters are always tailored to meet the individual’s/group’s unique needs and circumstances, as well as your company’s requirements and budget.