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Achieve Your Professional Goals with Coaching

Broadly speaking, coaching can be explained as a process which helps individuals grow and develop. It is an applied field of practice which uses findings in Psychology, Philosophy, Andragogy, Theories of Human and Organizational Development, Culturology and many others. This process involves structured and focused conversations, as well as the use of appropriate methods, strategies and knowledge during the talks, for the purpose of reaching the pre-defined objectives, which will benefit not only the client, but also those whose success is directly dependent on the client’s success.

Coaching is an exceptionally valuable tool generally used to assist those who aim to achieve better personal performance (Performance Coaching). It is especially used in business environment to improve individual performance to the satisfaction of both, the employee and the employer.

There are many approaches to coaching, which primarily differ in the underlying theoretical assumptions. Considering the client’s needs, the difference is also made, between life, sports, leadership, performance, skills, executive, career coaching, etc.   

In our approach to coaching, we apply the theoretical propositions of Positive Psychology and Andragogy and the fact that people respond best to necessary changes when they focus on their strengths and “what they are good at”. We mainly use the “GROW model” to structure the conversations. This model consists of identifying client’s objectives, current circumstances, resources, obstacles, options for achieving goals, identifying the factors that encourage the client’s motivation to achieve the goal and concrete steps needed to achieve the goal. This is also in line with the type of coaching known as Co-Active Coaching. Co-Active Coaching is an egalitarian approach in which the coach actively participates through listening carefully, asking relevant questions, helping client become self-aware and develop the responsibility for self-management, as well helping client in setting goals and creating plans to achieve goals.

Our coaching interventions can help both, individuals to achieve better personal performance and businesses to achieve better business results (through the improved individual performance of their employees). They can also help individuals to better lead themselves and others (Leadership Coaching), as well as managers (Executive Coaching) to deal better with challenges in periods of transition, especially the periods when they assume new responsibilities or move into another company, when they face challenges related to communication or co-operation with their counterparts or their teams, when they need to establish a balance between difficulties they face in private life and work related commitments, etc.

Reaching a specific goal requires 3 to 5 meetings with the coach of 60 minutes in duration on avarage. The first meeting is not charged. This is the opportunity for you and the coach to get to know each other, to discuss the process  and to decide if this type of professional assistance meets your expectations and objectives.