Blog – SkillsMasters Budite majstor u svom poslu Fri, 17 Dec 2021 15:03:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Blog – SkillsMasters 32 32 Blog About the Oldest Craft Mon, 09 Sep 2019 15:46:38 +0000 When someone here mentions the “oldest craft”, we all think of the same 😊. However, the sales or exchange is the oldest. It is as…

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When someone here mentions the “oldest craft”, we all think of the same 😊.

However, the sales or exchange is the oldest. It is as old as the humankind. Because of it, the quality of life of homo sapiens exceeded all other species and has been continuously building our civilization to greater heights.

Sales is a skill, an art, a play and life. It has its rules, it is a source of pleasure and a source of gain for both, the buyer and the seller. It requires enthusiasm, ethical approach and understanding of human behaviour. It offers a better, more fulfilled and more meaningful life. You can not avoid being engaged in sales – its rules apply not only if you are selling products, services or ideas, but also when you are trying to give or gain something, or when you are trying to convince someone to do something.


What is the purpose of this blog?

Sometimes, it is just one story, one idea, or a different perspective that can help us improve on either personal or professional level. This is exactly the purpose of this blog – to share knowledge and experience related to sales which will help you improve on different levels.


What are we aspiring to achieve? We are aspiring to perfection.

However, the perfection does not exist. There is always a possibility to do something better. It exists only as an idea, a goal towards which we strive, but which we can never achieve. It is more like a guiding star.


The Perfect Seller Should Possess the Following Qualities:


Communication Skills of a Journalist,

Enthusiasm of a Child,

Tact of a Diplomat,

Eloquence of a Priest,

The Courtesy of a King,

Discretion of an Advocate,

Compassion of a Nun,

Entrepreneurial Spirit of a Pioneer,

Sagacity of a Hiking Guide,

Curiosity of a Researcher,

Endurance of a Marathon Runner,

Optimism of a Gambler,

Appearance and Manners of a Gentleman,

Patience of a Japanese Zen-Buddhist.


Some of these qualities you already possess, and some of them you might wish to possess or develop further. Whatever the case, if you print out this list and put it on your wall, every day you will be challenged to develop one of the qualities of “the perfect seller”. The information you receive does not give you the power. The power you get once you try to do something with the received information.

Članak Blog About the Oldest Craft se pojavljuje prvo na SkillsMasters.

Architecture of Leadership Mon, 09 Sep 2019 13:15:06 +0000 The aim of the blog posts about leadership is to share knowledge and experience related to this infinite discipline, so that you can more easily…

Članak Architecture of Leadership se pojavljuje prvo na SkillsMasters.

The aim of the blog posts about leadership is to share knowledge and experience related to this infinite discipline, so that you can more easily overcome the challenges of your personal and professional development.

Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, famous Roman architect (1st century AD), a man whose discussion about the perfect proportion in architecture and human body resulted with Leonardo da Vinci’s  Vitruvian Man, defined that any architectural structure must have three main qualities:

– Firmitatis (Stability)

– Utilitatis (Utility)

– Venustatis (Attractiveness)

I decided to approach the discussion of Leadership by following these, in my opinion, universal principles. Therefore, the title – Architecture of Leadership.

So let’s start from the foundation…

What is Leadership?

The concept called “Leadership” is quite complex, somewhat pompous and in many spheres quite overused, especially for political purposes. Many philosophers, politicians, military heads, and in modern times many businessmen, defined this concept in their specific way. The definition of Leadership which is closest to my sentiment and which offers a clear message what leadership is and what it is not is following:

Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another― John C. Maxwell

There are many definitions of Leadership and depending on your profession or personal preferences, you might be having your own version, too. This is what makes Leadership a very dynamic and unpredictable discipline.

What is Your Definition?

The answer to this question is crucial since it can help you detect:

  1. Which values you find important?
  2. Which perspective have you taken?
  3. How your definition matches your current circumstances at personal and professional level?

The next blog post will be about personal values and what they represent to us…

Warren Bennis, a pioneer in contemporary leadership studies said:

Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself. It is precisely that simple and it is also that difficult.”

Wishing you all the best!

Članak Architecture of Leadership se pojavljuje prvo na SkillsMasters.

HR Management – What Is It? Fri, 06 Sep 2019 14:43:28 +0000 HRM is a branch of management which focuses on developing strategies, rules and processes related to management of employees within an organization. It is not…

Članak HR Management – What Is It? se pojavljuje prvo na SkillsMasters.

HRM is a branch of management which focuses on developing strategies, rules and processes related to management of employees within an organization. It is not a special management model describing how employees should be managed, neither it is an administrative section which contributes to better employee record keeping (administration is part of HRM, but it is not the HRM).

The Goals of HRM

The main objective of any organization is to make profit. Therefore, the main goals of HRM are to contribute to achieving this objective through development, implementation and constant revision of all activities related to employee management. The success of any business is highly dependent on commitment of people who perform it, and on the careful planning of human resources needed for successful operations.

How HRM Can Contribute to Profit Making?

Through achieving these three main goals:

  1. labour productivity
  2. organizational flexibility
  3. social legitimacy

It is important to highlight that these three goals are not shared equally by all organizations. The balance between them generally differs from organization to organization and may also alter over time within the same organization.

Organizations will never introduce any new HR practice unless they judge it is cost-effective and will help them achieve profit related objectives.

Problems in HRM

However, reaching the three main HRM goals is not simple. The common problems which organizations face are labour scarcity, employee motivation and change tensions. The strategies used for overcoming these problems should be in line with the organizational context. What is a good HR policy in one organizational context, can be a completely ineffective in another. Many internal and external factors must be considered before introducing any new activity related to employee management. Also, not all strategies require financial investments.

Do Only Big Companies Have HR Management?

No. Because of the amount of work related to employee management, big companies usually have separate functional units called HR Management departments. However, in case of smaller companies, the responsibilities related to HRM function can be spread between operational managers. Some companies might have separate units dealing with recruitment only or with administration only. And in case of entrepreneurs, the owners usually deal with all aspects of employee management.

However, no matter how HR function is organized, every manager should be aware of the importance of human resources and should possess skills needed for planning, leading, motivating employees and managing their performance.

The aim of blog posts related to HR Management is to identify and discuss different practices used for achieving the three main goals of HRM.


Članak HR Management – What Is It? se pojavljuje prvo na SkillsMasters.
